Sunday, 2 June 2013

yo lol 2 people read my blog and didn't coMMENT WHAT DID I FUCKIN TOLD U TO DO.
anyways... don't know what to talk about, so i guess TV shows? i don't really watch tv, i just watch it on the internet.

My top TV shows (in no particular order because some of them I watched a long time ago):

1. The Inbetweeners
Thoughts: As a shallow person, I like watching pretty people. However, in this show everyone is ugly. but they kinda grow on you ya'know. Just a bunch of nerds making sex jokes etc. idk it was funny imo even though I can't really understand what they're saying sometimes because of their accents.

2. Adventure Time
Thoughts: As a perverted teen, even though the show is for kids, they do put hidden dirty jokes in them lol so they're pretty funny. I'm mentally still a child according to everyone so I think everybody will like this show (obvi as LSP says it bcuz everyone's still a child at heart. unless you're dead). If you're not too keen on dirty jokes just don't think too much into it when you watch it. A good family fun time show.

3. Malcolm In The Middle
Thoughts: fuckin americans talk so fast. a lot of nerd talk, some are funny, i fell for both malcolm and reese, if you know this show then you'll know i don't have a type. I kinda fell for malcolm first but then he becomes an asshole and reese's pretty nice then. i hope this isn't a spoiler. spoiler alert? lol whatevr for me season 1 was gr8, then it kinda deteriorate, but got better at the end of season 5 (queue falling for reese). at first i was so sad that i almost finished the show but it's like whatever you know lol cause they're not real. also malcolm got uglier by the season wtf, he was such a cute kid. also i'm not a huge romance fan but i'm still a girl so some episodes made me cry ok

4. Bob's Burgers
Thoughts: new funky fresh haha idk what im talking about. it's really funny tho i kinda hated louise at first but she just keeps getting better. A lot of blunt jokes which i love. ya idk what else to say yep.

extraz: Freaks and Geeks isn't one of my favourites but i think i kinda enjoyed watching it? idk lol it's like an internet favourite tho so i kinda tried to watch it but i don't really remember much of it except the FUNNIEST JOKE BILL MADE omfg. sometimes i like the show just because i feel like i have to like it? idk how to explain it, but yea i like shows that makes me laugh. i guess i kinda like popular shows like himym, new girl, simpsons, regular show etc (idk lots more tho) but i cant be bothered to talk about those because.

so yeh yeh yeh mans watch them if you wannaaaaaaa

p/s: i watched the pilot of futurama and it was gr8 so maybe i'll watch more of it after i finish my shows.
here is an unrelated collage (a pretty rubbish one as usual soz)
 ugh these two ones on my blog are horrid i have two more from facebook they're 53% better!!! if u wanna see them comment bye!!!!!!11 i drafted this post last night when it was better omfg why did i do that i just made the collage now ughh 

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